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The whole story...

My name is Ja'el Batyah Hatch and I've been using my hands and my imagination to create things of use and beauty my entire life.  

I learned to knit and sew from my grandmother and mother. I developed an interest in felting wool just before the birth of my oldest daughter. When she was joined by her sister, I proceeded to teach myself to spin raw wool into yarn.


As our family continued to expand over the years, so did my interests. I learned about dyeing with natural dyes, the myriad of fibres that could be spun into threads and yarn as well as weaving.


I built my own triangle looms and inkle looms and wove on a small two-shaft table loom. Although it was rewarding,

I felt something was missing. My first love had always been spinning but I never found I could adequately express the beauty of my hand-spun yarns.


In 2012 I discovered SAORI weaving while searching online for Japanese dress patterns. My SAORI journey began in May 2012 with the book Self Innovation Through Free Weaving.

I studied and learned from that book for over a year before my SAORI loom arrived from Japan.

In July 2013 I traveled to the US and participated in a three-day intensive workshop with Karen Pardee of Serendipity SAORI Studio. Since then I have been growing by leaps and bounds.


In January 2015 I opened a small business called Studio Tiferet HaYetsirah where I can create and share my textiles and knowledge with others. It's named after my two eldest children, Tiferet and Yetsirah, who inspire me every day with their own emerging creativity and are themselves 'beautiful things' just as their names join together to mean.


I am now weaving my way towards becoming the first authorized SAORI studio and instructor in Israel.

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